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Art of Kava

Temotu Purple Kava Single Cultivar | Solomon Islands

Temotu Purple Kava Single Cultivar | Solomon Islands

Regular price $35.00 USD
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Batch: 4

Tasting Notes: Leans Heavy - Euphoric - Body

Temotu or "Temo", is a nice dark brown powder and a nutty, almost peanut or peanut butter smell. When prepared, the liquid is lighter than the color. There's very little earthiness, so it was very easy to drink. The mouth numbness was negligible. The mouthfeel was very smooth and creamy.

I thought this kava was absolutely fantastic and a bit stronger than the last batch.

The effects were almost instant. An instant sense of anxiety relief, stress relief, relaxation and calm. Shortly after, the effects progressed to the head, but not overly so, then to the body. It had a nice muscle relaxation effect about an hour in. 

The effects lasted about 3 hours and the calming effects lasted through the rest of the day. 

This batch is very similar to batch 1 but feels slightly stronger. A little goes a long way.

These are our tasting notes. Everyone's tolerance is different. Because of reverse tolerance, I may have a faster, lasting experience. We can have different experiences! Please let us know how it worked for you. So if it hasn't worked for you yet, try it again. If you have any questions at all, please reach out on our Instagram or Facebook page.

About this Kava:

Temo Purple kava is grown by small family farms in the Temotu Province in the Solomon Islands also known as Santa Cruz. The Temotu province is a group of islands clustered in the southeast region of the archipelago and just north of Port Orly Vanuatu. 

The main kava producing provinces in the Solomon Islands are Temotu and Isabel. Temotu is known for producing the strongest and heaviest of the 3 varieties available, which we call Temo. They just call it Temotu Purple. 

Kava production in Solomon is growing as the demand for kava worldwide grows. Their national goal which is lead by local business leaders is of "quality not quantity". The product standard culture here has started off very high and it will only continue down that path, making Solomon Islands kava one of the highest quality small family production kava on the market. There are farmer co-operative that brings in kava from remote islands, whose purpose is to provide an added layer of quality assurance and learning for farmers in the supply chain. By purchasing this kava, you are not only directly contributing to this growing market segment but to the families in the remote islands of Temotu. 

We sourced this 100% Noble lateral and basil root mix (70%/30%) kava from the Province of Temotu also known as Santa Cruz. This high quality, single cultivar, noble Kava is selected from the Temo Purple variety of kava plants at least 5 years in age. Temotu Purple kava has been purposefully cultivated to both concentrate the kavain and increase the desirable effects. It is one of 3 main varieties offered in the Solomon Islands.

Noble Lateral Root Kava powder, is derived from the smaller roots that extend from the main root stock. These roots are higher in Kavalactones.

The basil root, chip, or stump is the root ball base of the kava plant peeled and cut into chips before pounding. This typically has a different chemotype than the lateral roots, is milder in kavalactons and more creamy in texture. 

Batch 3 CHEMOTYPE: tbd


About the Farmer:

We source this kava from a Farmers Co-Operative in the Solomon Islands. Middlemen Are vital to the supply chain in all of the South Pacific Islands. Many times the best quality kava comes from a community deep in the jungle or on an island that takes 12 hours to get to. These middlemen create relationships with these farmers. The farming communities our vendor sources from tend to not have very much technology at all and live a very different life than we do. Most or all of the income they receive in the year comes from the sale of this kava. We connected with this specific middleman because they have 1. Cultivated relationships with people that provide the absolute best quality kava available in the Solomon Islands (not even kidding here). 2. They make it a point to pay the farmers a fair local price for their kava. Undercutting people doing hard work for a great product is just not in their playbook and we want to be a part of that team. We hope you do too!

Our vendor selects the best kava from farmers in the island cluster Province of Temotu also known s Santa Cruz.


Made as a single serving: 50g in 20oz water. Blended for 4 min, strained. 

Made by the gallon: 100 to 130g. 1 gallon of room temperature water in a large bowl, bucket or a traditional tanoa bowl. Add water to the vessel. Add kava to a nut bag or cheesecloth and dip the bag into the water. Massage for about 15 to 20 minutes or until you've reached your desired potency. This will yield a much weaker kava for the purpose of sharing multiple cups with friends in longer sessions. Serve in coconut shells, glasses or store in a gallon jug chilled. Shake the jug before serving. 

Note: Add 20% of the gallon of water or 4oz in your single serving of 20oz as coconut milk for a tastier end result.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 45 reviews
Long time listener, first time caller.

This was my first time ordering any raw materials to make kava at home and I’m very pleased with the results. I knew Art of Kava would have quality products as it is where my local kava bar sources its wares. The Temotu Purple is a favorite as I feel it has balanced effects.

So happy you're loving the kava Django! Bula!


Very effective. Euphoric and relaxing


Stronger taste then most kavas but didn’t really get the desired effects that I usually do! Just a overall sense of relaxation came but no body buzz

Temotu Purple

Temotu Purple was & Melo Melo was amazing Would definitely recommend it!

Jon sparrow